Saturday, July 11, 2009

Matthew's Finest, July 8th, 2009 - Polaris Pix edition

This week we played a number of selections from albums, or bands, that have been placed on the Polaris short list. I first became aware of the award 3 years ago on a CBC Radio 3 podcast and I treated it like everything that Grant Lawrence puts in front of me, important, but annoying and dripping with irresponsible amounts of self congratulatory Candiana. And then I watched the Junos. Seeing the state of mainstream Canadian music makes you realize that indie music is almost, and in some cases more important and wonderful than even its sappiest proponents make it seem.

It's this exact same sentiment that I have for Hey, Rosetta!

When I first heard them they simply didn't get to me. I had heard from some very reliable sources that they were an absolutely fabulous band but it took me a long time to see it myself. For the show I listen to so much prospective music that it's hard to ever remember the good ones over the amazing ones. Probably one in ten songs I look at while compiling my playlist get lost in the mess that is my iTunes library. This was the case with Hey Rosetta! it took a live show and a serious examination of their album Into Your Lungs to fully appreciate the depth of their sound. They are a great fucking band and after a live show that left me more satisfied than 80% of my sexual experiences, I was completely won over. This St. John's group has a lot to offer and they are my absolute pick for the lofty Polaris Prize and it's cash reward.

Hey Rosetta
Into Your Lungs [buy it at amazon, zunior]

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