Thursday, February 28, 2008

Matthew's Finest

Whoa! Here I am, alive and well. A little behind the times but somehow still ahead of the curve.

This week the ridiculously heated struggle between Ishmael, my cartoonishly villainous co-host, and I comes to it's crescendo. Our chosen venue for the titanic battle of minds? The unfettered field of song choosing and publishing. My pick for this week is an enchanting little ditty from The Robot Ate Me, titled Tonight. I first heard this song many years ago when a friend of mine turned me on to it, and I rediscovered it recently when I rescued a forgotten cache of old CDs from my sister's car.

As I understand it, the young man who wrote and performed the song is from the United States, is very cute, and had a beard at one time. Something we can all enjoy.

MP3: The Robot Ate Me - Tonight

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