Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SotW for Dec. 10, 2008

Musical siblings rarely share the spotlight well. For example, there is no doubt as to which Jackson is more talented, Michael or Janet. Same goes for the Hanson brothers. Clearly Zac is the best mmmbopper of the bunch.

But when it comes to the Matthew and Jill Barber, it's hard to pick a favourite. The two Ontarians are both great singers and songwriters and successful on their own terms. However, given the choice, I will choose the big brother who once played the part of amateur radio host at Queens University's campus radio station. (It's like I can relate to him.)

From the 2008 album Ghost Notes, here's a short but interesting song by Matthew Barber. I especially like the piano opening.

Matthew Barber - I'm Gonna Settle My Accounts With You [mp3]

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