Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Matthew's Finest

This week I'm presenting a song by Conor Oberst. Oberst enjoyed a prominent position in the hearts of every teenager when he was making music under the moniker Bright Eyes. The music he made then, while enjoyable and legitimate unlike everything else that could be viewed in the same category, was highly depressing. It was music thta you had to be in a mood to listen to. 

His new project, however, seems to be a direct challenge to that. Ragtime piano, rockabilly guitar, blatant country lyrics; the man is not afraid of change. The song, I Don't Want To Die (In The Hospital) is actually kind of unremarkable until you consider just how different it is from his early work. Then when you finally realize that this is Bright Eyes playing an up tempo song, albeit one about death, it becomes even more surreal. And finally once you get over the shock of that you can settle comfortably into enjoying the song for what it is; a good listen.

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